About Tait
Tait Global Holdings is a parent company based in Great Britain.
TGH contains entities and assets for its UBO, Alistair Snowie.
Please note that this website does not list all investments held by TGH or Alistair Snowie and is only a guide for KYC/AML requirements. If you need additional information, please contact the relevant company from the list further down the page. If you do not know what company to contact please use the form at the bottom of the page to get in touch.
Alistair Tait Snowie
Hello, I am Alistair, born in Scotland and terrible at golf.
I am a young, ambitious business person with a proven track record. Ever since I was a boy, I have been interested in making businesses grow by improving efficiencies.
On leaving high school, I moved to London to study Investment Operations. After gaining valuable knowledge in Financial Services, I combined it with my proficiency in coding to form Tait Capital. A hybrid of finance and technology whose primary aim is to help companies trade with their overseas suppliers/customers as if they were local, all while saving ridiculous amounts of money. It is very rare that Tait Capital cannot beat, or at very least match, it's competitor's rates and fees.
In addition to Technology and Finance, I also have various business interests in the defence, media, medical, and transport industries.
Tait Global Holdings is not just a holding company; it is a link that strengthens those within by forming unique and lasting relationships between mutual stakeholders. Every company within Tait Global Holdings has full, unrestricted access to each other's products, services and capabilities*.
*where law and regulation allow

Investments & Subsidiaries
Archangel (Artemis) - Aerial Defence & Surveillance Systems
Tait Global Holdings Ltd © Copyright 2015 - 2022
Registered in Scotland (Registration no. SC516983)